Unless you have unlimited funds us students can't afford a new dress from Topshop or Misguided every week. The simple answer to this unbearable problem is to focus on your basics.
Basics Basics Basics
When it comes to the point where you have exhausted your wardrobe your best friend is your basic collection. Stock up on affordable plain dresses, skirts and crop tops which can easily be transferable from night to day and outfit to outfit.
The beauty of basics is how you can recycle them by continually re-wearing without anyone noticing.
The key to basics is to accessorize.
Black, White, Blue, Pink.. choose your favourite colour depending on the time of year and preference and make it work.It is that easy!
Once you have your key basic piece have fun adding statement necklaces, kimonos,a pair of killer heels or even a hat. You can re-wear your key piece by adding different accessories. Not only is this bank account friendly, it also makes it easy to decide what to wear.
Primark Statement clutch
Primark Statment necklaces
Primark Fedoras and Bowlers are great for the winter
I was able to get a complete outfit for €22. All from Primark (Penneys). The black off the shoulder basic dress was only €6, the navy fedora was €8 and the statement necklace ( also shown above ) was €8.
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-Love Ella x